Friday, March 24, 2006

UFO Technology Available To All

No, not anti-gravity flight from Roswell but TransModal Synthesis from France…
Audeon have announced the launching of UFO Light, the light version of their flagship product UFO (Unique Filters and Oscillators). As it shares the same synthesis technology and innovative user interface concept as its big brother, Audeon believe that UFO Light is a unique opportunity to get started with TransModal Synthesis for a fraction of the price of UFO.
TransModal Synthesis relies on various synthesis modules including K-Osc, an oscillator model capable of smoothly transitioning between different oscillation modes like harmonic, noisy or chaotic, and Morphilter, a filter allowing continuous transitions between modes (low-pass, high-pass,...). UFO Light offers a subset of the modules available in UFO.
Price and AvailabilityUFO Light is shareware. The registration cost is 19€ ($22 USD).It is currently available as a VST plugin for PC (Windows). A Mac version is planned.
To celebrate the launching of UFO Light, Audeon is offering a temporary discount on its flagship product UFO. Until April 15th, UFO can be purchased for $125 / 109€ instead of the $199 / 175€ regular price.

Russian Researchers Open UFO School for Lovers of Paranormal

Russian ufologists have opened a school where they teach people what to do if they encounter a UFO and where to look for extraterrestrials.
The commotion over UFO sightings in Central Russia’s Togliatti began this summer when crop circles appeared in a field just outside the city. The enormous pictogram in the grass attracted dozens of journalists and hundreds of curious onlookers.
In response to the evident demand, local UFO researchers decided to establish a school where people would learn about the paranormal. Togliatti’s popularity with extraterrestrials makes it an ideal spot for such an institution, a local daily said Thursday.
“We know of several places in Togliatti where UFO sightings are frequent,” chairwoman for the Togliatti Ufology Commission, Tatiana Markova, told the Ploshchad Svobody daily.
“We have studied several of the most popular flying saucer routes. We have often visited the places where UFO’s were sighted and filmed the phenomena we saw, for instance we have lots of video footage featuring the so-called Belgium triangles, they are frequent visitors to our city.”
At the UFO school, experts give students lectures on various types of anomalies, the correct behavior in case of encounter with a UFO, and basic guidelines on UFO-watching. After all the theory is done, the students will go out to practise their skills.
“In late April we will take our students out to see UFOs,” Markova said.
“However we are not going to take crowds of amateurs to UFO sighting spots just to satisfy their curiosity. We expect newcomers to extend our UFO-sightings map,” she added.